Monday, April 6, 2020

Recipes I Want To Try

Cooking at home more often has always been a goal for me and ever since we moved into this home a year ago, we have definitely been cooking more! Now, with being home at all times, we are cooking more than we ever have before. 

I think that's definitely one of the silver linings in all of this. Cooking at home is typically better for your wallet and for your health. I don't really love cooking, but I find myself enjoying it more with my fiancĂ© as we seem to have a lot more time to leisurely spend in the kitchen. Plus, my fiancĂ© is such a good cook!! Because of that, we have been keeping a running list of things we want to try so I thought I would share them with you! 



Karen said...

You and Andrew should add coq vin to your list. You can also vary the red wine with a white Sauv works very well for a lighter dish. It is a great Dinner party entree as well as easy to warm up the left overs!

Sivy said...

This recipe looks amazing! Saving now to try it sometime this week. Ty for the share!


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