Thank you very much to College Belle for giving me the Lovely Blog Award! It is my first award, and I'm so happy!
I tag.........People who have left me such great comments!
City Intern Girl Life
The Preppy Princess
Park Avenue Princess
The Pink Tutu
Nautical By Nature
If you haven't read these blogs, get to it because they are such fun reads, and so entertaining, and leave such kind comments! So thank you, you deserve the award! And thanks again to College Belle!
You are so very welcome :)
Ooh, congrats!
Oh goodness Miss Summer Wind, thank you!
This was such a lovely surprise this morning, and wouldn't you know, it came precisely at a time when I needed a little lift-me-up! Thank you for being such a sweetie, we are flattered to be with such an illustrious group of bloggers!
Smiles to you,
Thank you so much! It means a lot :)
Congrats to you and all! WIshing you and yours a fabulous fourth of July. I so need to go start packing and stop blogging!
xx me
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm so glad to have found yours too :) xoxo MelyLil
Thanks so much for the award! I love reading yours as well!
Wow thank you so much! My first blog award :)
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