Does anyone else realize what is in just 10 short days?! Not only is it the start of Thanksgiving break for this college girl but..... NEW MOON comes out! This is just too exciting, I have been waiting for this since last year when Twilight came out. Yes, I do admit I'm a bit obsessed (and I'm nearly 20 years old) but how can you resist the looks of Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner?! Is anyone going to the midnight showing? Unfortunately, I am not considering I will have endured a long ride home from school on Thursday, but I can assure you that on Friday I will be in the theater!
Speaking of obsessions, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is coming out on DVD December 7th! Not only is this less than a month away, but it will make the perfect gift for HP fans young and old!
Have a fantastic Day!
I can't wait for New Moon either!! I doubt I'll go the the midnight showing though.. just too many annoying tweens so I doubt I'd get to enjoy the movie.
Yup! Me either - can't wait! It is a little ridiculous, but fun at the same time!
Cute blog - great follow!
I cannot wait for New Moon. I'm not going to the midnight showing either, because I have to work the next day. But I'll definitely goi Friday. It's almost here!
I cannot wait to see this, I am seeing it on opening day with a co-worker, yipee! Hope you are doing well hun. Enjoy your break and New Moon!
Finally watchd Twilight last night to see what the hoopla was about. Ummm, it'a about the chemistry b/t Bella and Edward! Can't wait for the sequel...XXOO
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