Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Taylor Lautner + Steelers Game= AMAZING!

I cannot even describe this picture. I met Taylor Lautner!!! This was just about as lucky as you can get. My bff kJa and I were headed to the Steelers preseason game against Detroit. We got to our box and were hanging out chatting before the game started, and all of the sudden, someone said, "That guy in the box next to us looks so much like Taylor Lautner". Well that of course got us to look right away and sure enough, it was him!
I am still in absolute shock. The picture above was when we were trying to "discreetly" get a picture of him. I posted about him last month and how he is in Pittsburgh filming a movie called "Abduction" and is here with Lilly Collins (who played Collins in "The Blind Side") and how many of my friends and the whole buzz in Pittsburgh among all of the girls is that Taylor Lautner is here! He has been here since the beginning of June and I am not quite sure, but I think he is staying into September. Anyways, the football game was the second thing on our minds because Taylor Lautner was at most, 5 feet away from us at any given time. The only thing separating us was glass (well, and his bodyguard). I have never met anyone famous before besides Michael Phelps and Lavaar Arrington, and am actually not one to get starstruck. I have to say that I think Taylor Lautner is drop dead gorgeous and completely admit that I was truly starstruck when we spotted him. We were so lucky to have caught him right as the game was ending and he was so nice and took a picture with us and talked to us. Let me tell you, this picture is getting framed ASAP!

I still cannot believe it, but here is Taylor and I! Don't we make such a cute couple ;) Oh and the Steelers won too! Oh what a night to remember!
Have a fabulous day!

**Don't forget to enter my Just Madras GIVEAWAY!



You are SO beautiful! I am sure he felt like the lucky one!! XO KJ
LOVE your blog!
Check mine out, too. I am giving away $100 Sephora card just for my followers!

Andrea @ The Dawley Fam said...

I am so jealous!!! he is super gorgeous!

Lindsay said...

Ahhh I love him! That's such a great picture!!!

C Mae said...

Only problem is how young he is LOL! It's okay my underage crush is def Zach Efron! :)

Ruth said...

How fun! Glad you got to meet him and not just see him through the glass.

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky! He is adorable!

CAC muffin said...

OMG what a lucky girl!

Pink Champagne said...

You lucky lady! He is adorable, and yes - I think you would make quite the cute couple. ;)

Sandra said...

You two do look darling together!! :-) From what I've seen of him on talk shows, etc., he really seems like a sweet, young man. xoox

Katie Walpole said...

Sooo lucky!

Sweet Southern Prep said...

That is CRAZY?! You're one lucky girl! :)

Amanda said...

You are so lucky! That is a great picture of you two!

Olivia said...

re: ohh thanks!! :D like your blog to :)

wow that really cool that you've meet him!! :D

Anonymous said...

so cool! you're beautiful- by the way :)

Lilly said...

Wow! What a great story and you are so lucky!!!
I would love to meet Taylor too :D
And yes you two make a lovely couple!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You lucky girl! You got that beautiful smile and you look gorgeous. *sigh*

the pink prep said...

so cute together!!!
what a fun time you must have had!!!

Classy Fab Sarah said...

holy cow I am 100% jealous. How nice of him to pose for a pic!

Kate said...

How did I miss this post before??

Lucky girl! You do make a very cute couple :)


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