Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Why I Don't Make New Year's Resolutions

Happy 2019, everyone! I hope you all had the best holiday season and had fun celebrating the new year!

A lot of you put in your requests for January posts and many were requests for me to share my New Year's resolutions. I thought what better way to kick off the year than to share why I don't make resolutions come January 1st. 

It's my personal belief that you should always be bettering yourself. I find that making a list at the beginning of the year and trying to stick to that list doesn't always work. Life changes and ebbs and flows- so what you may have put on your list in January might not be something that you still need to work on in June. 

Instead,  I have a running personal list that is always changing and being built upon. It doesn't start on January 1st and it doesn't end on December 31st. I shared some of my personal lists in this post from September

All of my goals have different timelines. So for example, 'being grateful' is constant and something I hope to practice for the rest of my life. But something like 'drink more water' is more finite until it becomes part of your daily routine (it has!!). 

I break up my list into 3 categories: personal, professional, and 'for others'. Personal is something like 'be more active'. They're things that I want to do for myself. Professional is what I want to work towards- whether it be a monetary goal or a more abstract goal. And 'for others' is what I work on to be better for other people. Whether it's donating more of my time, more of my money, or doing something that will make others happy- like sending a handwritten note. 

I keep these lists in the notes section of my phone. They're always easily accessible and can be edited at any second. Things like being more grateful will never leave the list but are on there to serve as a simple reminder. It's nice to read through the list every few weeks to evaluate what I'm doing. 

Do you make resolutions? Do you have any big ones this year? If you don't make resolutions, why not?


Andra said...

I use to make them but as you say life happens and then you beat yourself up for not keeping the resolutions. I prefer a gentler approach similar to what you have described in your post. 🥳 Happy New Year

Anonymous said...

He has the sweetest look about him. I have a good feeling about this. I wish you all many years of joy and happiness.

Anonymous said...

He has the sweetest look about him. I have a good feeling about this. I wish you all many years of joy and happiness.

Chrissy said...

Your ring is gorgeous! Congratulations!!!!


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