Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Self Improvement: What I'm Currently Working On

This photo has nothing to do with this post, it's just a fall outfit I'm excited to wear! 

Vest// Pullover// White Tee (one of my faves)

I talk about this here and there with you all about how I am all about self-improvement. There is always something I can learn, and I can always do better in all facets of life. 

With only 4 months left in 2023 (crazy, right?), I thought I would share some of the things I'm focusing on in the last few months of this year that are not professional goals but rather things I'm doing outside of work! I'd love to know what you're working on; I love to be inspired by others! 

Less Anxious, More Calm 
I've always had anxiety, but in 2020, it started to negatively affect me. I've been really good about this the last few months and want to continue this through the end of the year. My anxiety ebbs and flows, as does life, and I'm working on it being less of a rollercoaster. I've really worked on figuring out what helps lessen it and what causes it to flare. Now that I've nailed that down, I'm just focused on leaning into the things that lessen it and leaning out of things that cause issue! It's always a work in progress, but I am proud of my progress! 

Read More
This is new on my list of improvements. I used to be such a big reader, and I just don't make the time for it anymore. I loved reading on vacation, and it reminded me of how much joy it brings me, so I'd like to carve out more time to read. 

Improve Flexibility
This is a continuous journey for me, but I've started to get really flexible, and I want to keep up with it. I was a cheerleader, and I'm back to being able to do a heel stretch and on my way to a split again! I do just 5-10 minutes before bed and always after my workouts, and it's helped tremendously. I love the way it makes me feel. 

Improve Gardening Skills
This is SO hard for me, and I want to improve this skill so badly! I got a little better this year, but there is SO much I don't know. I want to try and read some books about gardening over the fall and winter to learn more. I find planting and watering and all of that so enjoyable. 

Do Something With My Photos
I have had this in the back of my mind forever. We are so lucky to live in an age where we have a camera with us at all times. I have SO many great family photos, and I want to put them into books. I also still haven't even picked photos for our wedding photo album. Oops. This is time-consuming because there is so much to sift through, so I need to start doing small bits here and there. 

Explore Pittsburgh
I feel like I haven't been doing a good job exploring my city. I used to be so much better at it, but recently, I have only been going to my favorite spots and not branching out and trying more new restaurants and new things to do! Pittsburgh is such a great city, but since I was born and raised here, it's easy to fall into that 'pattern' that I am so used to!

Eat More Vegetables
This has been an ongoing thing for about a year now. I have been really focused on making sure I'm getting plenty of vegetables with each meal! I love vegetables, but sometimes I just eat eggs or something simple like that, and by dinner time, I realize I haven't eaten enough vegetables! I've been pretty good at this, but I want to keep up the momentum. 

Find Another Workout
I love Orange Theory and walking and my rower and I don't plan to quit any of that. But I'm looking for something to add to the mix. I'm thinking a class of some sort, and I only want to go 1 day per week. I'm looking to mix things up, and I want it to be little to no cardio but still upbeat (like not yoga). I wish Class Pass was more of a thing in this area so I could try many different things, but right now, I'm considering reformer Pilates or Barre. I just need to go to a class or two in each of these categories to see what I want to do and start up a new routine with that added class. If you have any suggestions, especially if you live in the South Hills area of Pittsburgh, let me know!


Danielle said...

Have you tried the Melissa Wood Health streaming service? It’s so easy with tons and tons of classes and most are 30 mins or less. Has been a game changer for me especially on days when I am pressed for time as I can always squeeze in 10-20 mins. Highly recommend. I have been doing it for almost 2 years and recommended to a friend and she loves it as well.

Meghan said...

Class Pass in Pgh has a decent amount of stuff! The yoga place at the galleria is on it, same with Pure Barre, Cyclebar and my current favorite Cycletique. Check it out.


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