Thursday, May 4, 2023


I hope your May is off to a great start!! This week was good and pretty normal/nothing too thrilling! It's been cold and rainy here all week, so that has been kind of annoying! Buddy went back to my parents on Tuesday, so we are back to Henry as the only dog, and I think he is very happy about that, ha!

I have a pretty busy and fun weekend coming up! We are going to our friends for Cinco de Mayo, and then Saturday, I have a hat luncheon and my aunt and uncle's annual derby party! I am hoping Sunday stays free so I can relax! 

I have started thinking about planning a long weekend getaway for my husband and I during the fall season. My girlfriend keeps telling me how much I would love Newport, Rhode Island, so I am considering that, but let me know if there is somewhere you recommend- I want to go somewhere I have never been but stay toward the East Coast area so we can do a quick flight! 

Wearing: On Saturday, we had fun plans scheduled with friends and they had to cancel last minute so we decided to go for a 5pm Mexican and Margs date night since we forgot to eat lunch! I wore this casual outfit! 
Eating: I don't really love eating nuts. I like them in things but just eating a handful is not something I do often. However, if you are a pickle lover, you need to try these. They are SO good!!! 

 I just finished the second half of the second season of Firefly Lane on Netflix. Does anyone else watch this show? I liked it- it kept me entertained, but I thought the acting was just OK I felt like things were drawn out a bit too much at times, but it is worth the watch. We also just finished Full Swing on Netflix. I am unsure why it took so long to get to it, but it was fantastic. My husband is a golf fanatic, not me, but I found it so interesting and insightful, and entertaining all at once. 

Listening: Someone recently let me know that they enjoyed my playlists that I used to make and wanted to know if I would make anymore! I didn't know anyone enjoyed them and was happy to hear at least one person did so I started on a spring playlist that you can find, here. It has a little bit of everything on it!

Loving: I bought these intaglios on Etsy for $10 and took these old frames and gave them a refresh! It was so easy and I love the result. 
Wanting: This golf/tennis skort is darling. I love the colors! I want this navy tank and also the cream- would be so versatile! 
Pittsburgh: I got dinner with two girlfriends last week, and we went to The Parlor Dim Sum in Lawrenceville. It was delicious. I love it there, the atmosphere is fun and casual and the food is amazing. I recommend making a res as it can get booked up pretty far in advance on weekends! 

Amazon Rec: My husband wanted a new checked suitcase, and he ordered this one and is loving it! You can find more of my Amazon favorites, here!

Smelling: This candle smelled delightful and it's only $7! It would make such a cute gift! 

Quoting: 'Throw me to the wolves, and I will return leading the pack.' - Suzanne Collins // See more of my favorites, here.


Stephanie said...

Hi!! I love checking your blog every morning before I begin working :)
Thanks for the Beth Ladd bag recommendation!! It is so pretty! I just ordered the pink and orange print.

Peggy Bonanno said...

I have lived on the east coast all my life and just a few years ago I went to Newport. So worth the trip. You will love it! The food, all the mansions are wonderful. We stayed at the Hotel Viking which is up on the hill away from the wharf area which was lovely. The Castle Hill hotel is wonderful but very expensive. Definitely go there for dinner or drinks. You could also tack on a stay to Watch Hill which is another lovely New England town.

Anonymous said...

One quick thought on Newport in the fall, Sept 14-16th is the boat show weekend and it can be totally swamped. Hotels book far out and in advance and are generally way more pricey that weekend. Something to just keep in mind.

Anonymous said...

Newport is great. Ate at an incredible restaurant can not remember the name menu was on a large chalk board on the wall like schools use. I am sure someone would be able to tell you the name.


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