Wednesday, June 12, 2024

About Me!

Sandals// Sunglasses (extra 30% off) 
Bag (just $25)

For those of you who may be new here, I thought I would give you a quick little introduction/background of who I am and some quick thoughts/facts about me at the bottom! I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. I went to James Madison University in Virginia. I was a ZTA there and got my Public Relations degree with a writing minor.

While at JMU, in my freshman year dorm room, I started my blog and kept it up throughout my college years!

After graduation, I moved back to Pittsburgh while figuring out what I wanted to do. I ended up working for an event planning company. I never set out to be a planner, but it just fell into my lap that way! I kept up with my blog. It was a lot of work keeping up with a full-time job and my blog, as it had turned into a business of its own at that point! 

I switched jobs to a more traditional marketing role in health insurance. I was still keeping up with my blog and social media, but at one point, I decided it was time to quit and pursue this full-time, and I never looked back! 

This is my passion and what I love to do, and I am so thankful you all show up here every day and enjoy what I have to share! 

I have a sweet pup and live with my husband in Pittsburgh, PA! Our 3rd wedding anniversary is next month, and Henry will be 9 in December. Crazy! 

For fun, I like to spend time with family and friends. I'm very family-oriented. I talk to my parents daily; they live just 15 minutes away in the home I grew up in! My younger sister lives in Charlotte, NC, with her husband and pup! They come back to Pittsburgh to visit often, and we love to visit Charlotte. 

I've always been into fashion. I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was little, so I had notebooks filled with sketches of clothing designs. I always clipped magazine articles and photos for inspiration. I loved getting dressed every day in high school and college and never really wore lounge clothes or sweatpants. 

I love classic clothes and traditional home decor—I always have. My tastes have evolved as I've gotten older, but I think I've had somewhat of the same taste my entire life. I feel like it will be tweaked a little here and there, but I think this is just always how I will be and always what I will like! 

- I will eat anything but goat cheese. I cannot stand it!

- I'd much prefer to be the passenger than the driver. I don't like to drive. 

- I love to clean. My favorite thing is fresh sheets on the bed. Polishing silver is so satisfying!! 

- Pickles are a main food group for me. 

- I love shellfish; it's one of my favorite foods, but ironically, I have a slight allergy. I still eat it anyway. 

- I am passionate about dog adoption! We found Henry via an organization called Tracy's Paws. However, I don't shame or judge anyone for getting a purebred dog or anything like that. I believe all dogs need good homes but will always advocate for pet adoption! 

- I think ET is a scary move. I haven't seen the full movie in SO long because I'm so scared of it. My sister won a big ET stuffed animal one year and hid it in my closet. horrifying! 

- I love wine and learning about the different wines, regions, vintages, etc. I love Napa but haven't been in a while, so I think it's time to plan a trip back! 

- I'm a self-proclaimed foodie and love trying new restaurants nearby and far. 

- When someone asks me where to eat in Pittsburgh, my answer is always Pusadee's Garden. 

- My favorite places to travel to in the US are Charleston and Nantucket. 

- People always ask me what I would do for a career if I wasn't creating content. I'd still probably do something in social media/PR/marketing. I think I would have probably formed a boutique marketing firm specializing in helping small businesses. In a completely other life, I think I would have been an antique shop owner, jewelry shop owner, or something to do in the financial sector like an investment analyst. 

- I've always been very Type A. I'm an enneagram 3. My Myers Briggs is ESTJ-A.

- Severance is one of the best shows I've ever seen in recent memory (Apple TV). 

- During the week, if I am not working, I am likely walking or taking an Orange Theory class. I love being active. My husband is big into golf, so he has roped me into playing here and there with him, but I much prefer the driving range. I learned pickleball last year and love to play. I am not good, but it's so much fun! 

- I think there is always room for improvement in any facet of one's life. 

- I love etiquette and manners. Many people are no longer taught these things, and because of that, they confuse them with being snobby and are turned off. Meanwhile, I think manners and etiquette are 'rules' that help people feel more welcome in social situations, small or large. I also think the #1 rule is to *never* call someone out for doing something incorrectly unless you are in a teaching setting or moment. The main goal is to always make people feel welcome, not shame them! 

1 comment:

Laura Baker Busic said...

Love this! I've been a daily reader for as long as I can remember and Summer Wind is my favorite corner of the internet. We have a lot in common and I always love your outfit inspiration and all sorts of recommendations!


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