Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Quince Finds

Walnut End Grain Butcher Block with Juice Groove

For Christmas, my husband wanted a high-quality end grain cutting board. I automatically thought of the Boos Block brand as a brand known for its quality. The one he wanted had sold out. So my mom found one on Quince with almost identical specifications to the one he had wanted. 

I knew of the brand because they're known for their crazy low cashmere prices. This sweater is just $50. So my mom ordered my husband the cutting board and got my dad, brother-in-law, and husband all cashmere sweaters

The Cutting Board is incredible. We were all blown away at the quality, considering it was about half the price of the Boos Block brand. The cutting board is often shown as out of stock. Put your email in, and they will email you once it is back in stock. It comes back quickly but also sells out quickly, so you have to snag one quickly. This is how my mom was able to get one. 

The cashmere is beautiful. While it does not have the same luxurious feel as some of my favorite cashmere brands, the price for the quality is unbeatable and worth ordering if you want to add some affordable cashmere pieces to your closet. 

I haven't ordered anything since the Christmas gifts that my husband received, but now I am so intrigued by their website. My first question was, how is everything so inexpensive? They are a direct-to-consumer brand, so that's one way, and they apparently source their materials straight from factories, which I guess is another way. I'm also assuming it's a volume thing, kind of like Costco. 

The most intriguing thing is that they have a comparison chart on most product pages that names other brands and what they would charge for something similar. 

When I tell you they have everything, they really do. Housewares, linens, down jackets, jewelry, rugs, and more. Even gold bars and caviar, ha! 

This post is *not* sponsored by Quince. I'm just interested in the brand and wanted to hear your feedback on whether you have ever ordered from the brand. What have you ordered and been pleased with? Have you ordered anything and would not recommend it?!

The site has thousands of products, so I figured I would go through and pull the items that intrigue me the most! 

Honorable mentions:
- .25 ct diamond bezel necklace crazy good price
- Linen Dress looks so much like my fave Reformation dress
- Backpack that looks just like my fave Dagne Dover travel backpack
- Alpaca Coat giving me major Theory vibes
- Adorable linen napkins that come in a set of 8!
- A French press that looks like you are having coffee at a luxury hotel


Anonymous said...

Your blog reads as though you are a valley girl with much space in between your ears and not much thought. We crave depth and real writing not the writing where it feels like you are just talking on text message.

Sydney Carver Snyder said...

Thank you so much because my blog is written to be exactly as you’re describing, a casual conversation with a girlfriend!! It sounds like this space isn’t the right fit for you but luckily, there are so many other websites and content to consume out there; I’m sure you’ll find a good fit. Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Sydney, your response to that critic was excellent! I love your blog and have learned about products and places. Your blog makes me happy 😊

Jill said...

I personally loved this post. I've been curious about Quince myself, so this post made me feel like I was getting insight from a friend!

Sydney Carver Snyder said...

Thank you so much, Jill!! I am so glad!!!!

Maria said...

That critical comment feels like a bot! (But your response was perfect!).
I love Quince! I have their cashmere sweaters, ponte pants, and their cotton cashmere crewneck (which I love!). I think it is a great place for basics that won't break the bank, and classic but professional looking clothes.

Sydney Carver Snyder said...

Aw thank you, Maria! This is so great to know about Quince, I'm going to have to place an order soon! I've had some others on IG also message me with glowing Quince reviews!

Karen T. said...

Love Quince! I have the boyfriend crew and fisherman crew cotton sweaters. Really great quality for the price! The only issues I’ve ever had is that their “oversized” sweaters are SUPER oversized, haha…free returns though so low risk. Worth trying them out!

Sydney Carver Snyder said...

This is such great intel, Karen! Thank you so much. I was curious about sizing so this is really helpful!

Anonymous said...

Love Quince! I've gotten earrings for me, cashmere hoodie for my husband, faux nap dress for me (didn't love that) but always have something in my cart ;)

Kelly said...

1. Ugh to that first commenter but kudos to you for responding with so much grace and diplomacy!
2. I have lately been SO curious about Quince too!! That's why I am stalking these comments to get feedback -- so good to know. PLEASE report back if you end up ordering anything -- your opinion is super valued! (I've found so many absolute timeless forever-favorites from you.)
3. For the record, I happen to love your tone! It does feel like talking to a trusted girlfriend I would absolutely text to be like, "So where are we finding non-ripped jeans these days?"

Sydney Carver Snyder said...

Thank you SO much, Kelly!! You are so sweet and I really appreciate your comment so much! Made my day :)

Dana said...

I love Quince. I have several leather bags--just bought the suede tote and it is gorgeous in chocolate brown. They are great if you just want a high-quality bag without any logos. I love the cotton dresses, too. Everything has been top-notch quality. I bought the shagreen leather frames and storage boxes--they remind me of the (much pricier) versions from Aerin. The towels are ok-- I have towels from Quince and Italic (very similar site) and I prefer the towels from Italic. Customer service is always great.


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