Thursday, February 16, 2023


A sweet Valentine's Day treat! 

This week is certainly flying, considering I was away Sunday-Tuesday to ski. My week really only began yesterday! 

Are you all working this coming Monday? It's President's Day. I never know if most are off or working on that day! I will have a blog post up as usual and be working. 

Yesterday and today, I spent getting caught up on work. January and most of February are historically slower months for me work-wise, and I don't mind that at all. It's nice to have time to work on things that take more of my focus and will be better in the long run. Sometimes, toward early February, I think March will be slow, but every time I have that thought, things start to pick up again. It's seriously like clockwork, and It happened just this week, so I've got all cylinders fired. 

Henry got a bath this week, and oh my gosh, was it so badly needed!!! I am so glad he is clean. He's small and low to the ground, so I feel he gets dirtier than a larger dog because he's so close to the ground. I hadn't taken him to the groomer since December, which is a long time for Henry to go without a bath. I know growing up, Mac did not need as frequent bathing, and now Buddy, my parent's pup, also doesn't need as frequent bathing (more like 6 weeks for Buddy). Buddy has long legs, so he's high up off the ground, but Henry needs a bath monthly. We don't typically bathe him ourselves; instead, he visits the groomer regularly. How often do you bathe your dog? I am so curious! 

Every year my parents make beef wellington for Valentine's weekend dinner and usually invite my husband and I and my grammie for dinner. It's really cute- my mom sets a beautiful table and puts treats at each place setting and all of that. Since we were busy this weekend, they moved it to this coming weekend. I'm really looking forward to beef wellington, that's for sure, I love it and it's not something we cook! 
Wearing: I got this dress on sale as I had been eyeing the brand for a while. I LOVE It. The cut is so flattering, especially the thick belt around the waist. It's a great length, too. I am excited to bring it to Charleston with me next month! 

Sale: These white jeans are marked down to $32!! I love them and wear them often. I am sad they're on sale because I think that must mean they will no longer be made! Anyway, they run true to size and are soooo comfortable! You must add them to your cart for the sale price to be reflected!

 A new season of Summer House just started (Bravo). Do you all watch? It's one of the only reality TV shows my husband and I watch together. We love it season after season! We are also still watching New Amsterdam (Netflix). We started it last week and the episodes are easy to move through. It's very similar to Grey's Anatomy. I think Grey's is much better, but this is good enough to keep my attention!
Loving: I recently got these sunglasses and have been wearing them nonstop. They are so cute, and I feel like they fit my face well! The lenses are pretty nice, too! 
Wanting: This week, I switched from winter clothes to looking for spring/summer things. I love sweaters, but I'm getting excited about dresses and ballet flats! 

Pittsburgh: Have you all been to Rib Room? It's in Meat and Potatoes, and they specialize in prime rib. I LOVE prime rib, so my husband made a reservation far in advance, but I'm so excited to go. The food looks and sounds amazing. 
Amazon Rec: I ordered this Bracelet. I had been eyeing it for a while. I held off for a bit because I felt the cost for costume jewelry was steep. But, I am so glad I got it. It's gorgeous!!! I want a second to stack and really make a statement. I really love it and am so pleased. You can find more of my Amazon favorites, here!

Quoting: 'Some talk to you in their free time and some free their time to talk to you.' // See more of my favorites, here.

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