Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Little Things I Love About Summer

Dress is on *major* sale! 

'Enjoy the little things because one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.’ I remind myself of this often. 

With the prevalence of social media these days, I think that it often has us focusing on big things and sometimes being forgetful to be grateful for all of the wonderful smaller moments. Hopefully, this post is a great reminder that there are so many little moments in life that make it wonderful. In particular, I wanted to make this summertime-focused because I like summer but it's not my favorite so I am always looking for reminders to be grateful for the season! 

The scent of a candle or match when you blow it out.

Cold, wet dog nose nudges.

When you ask for extra lemons or limes, and they bring you a whole dish full.

The whistle of a boiling kettle.

Steam dancing out of a hot mug of coffee in the morning sun.

The crisp crunch of a good pickle.

The glistening of the pool water in the hot sun.

Putting on an oversized sweatshirt on a cool evening.

How verdant and lush everything looks after a summer rainstorm.

At a concert and they play your favorite song.

Rinsing sand off of your feet as you leave the beach.

The first whiff of sunscreen in the summer.

Crisp, cool, percale sheets on a particularly hot night.

A country club pour.

The first burn of a summer-scented candle.

The hurt so good feeling during a hard workout.

Lemonade from your neighborhood lemonade stand.

Fresh herbs on everything.

Barefoot in the grass.

The sound of a cocktail shaker shaking up something delicious or the blender whirring as you sit by the pool.

The sound of neighbors outside chatting on summer evenings floating through your open windows.

Buying all of the best snacks on a road trip gas station stop.

All of the windows down, blasting your favorite song and singing along.

Stepping inside to air conditioning after a hot walk outside.

The sound of someone jumping into the water.

Good watermelon + cherries and all of the amazing in-season fruits. 

Sunset by any body of water. 

A perfectly clear night when you can see the stars shining so brightly.

Staying light outside until 9pm.

The smell of burgers and hot dogs on the grill wafting through the neighborhood. 

The cozy smell of a fire pit. 

Outdoor backyard dinners in the glow of candlelight.

Sparklers and fireworks are still mesmerizing even as an adult.

4th of July bunting and decorations. 

Dozing off on a pool lounge chair or beach towel.

Stocking a summer house refrigerator with all of the essentials.

A double scoop dripping down the side of a fresh waffle cone on a particularly hot night.

A great beach read that you can't put down. 

A moment of calm when watering the plants. 

A perfectly roasted marshmallow for s'mores 

Full, saturated hydrangeas. 

Drive-in movies with lots of popcorn and an old comforter in the back of an SUV. 

When you think about these things I’ve listed, many of them are not shared on social media; many are fleeting moments that are hard to capture, but they are building blocks to your days, weeks, months, and years. These little moments are what make up our lives! 


Anonymous said...

All beautiful. May I add solar ice tea to your list?

Karen T. said...

Yes! As it started to rain the other day, I decided to get up, open the door, and watch it come down and breathe in that warm summer rain smell. Taking time to just stop and notice those things make all the difference. :)

Karen T. said...

Yes! As it started to rain the other day, I decided to get up, open the door, and watch it come down and breathe in that warm summer rain smell. Taking time to just stop and notice those things make all the difference. :)


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