Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Fall/Winter Boots I'm Loving

I've been on a big boot kick. When I say that, it's not that I have been wearing boots yet, but I've been eyeing them and trying to decide what I want for this season. 

It's necessary to wear boots in Pittsburgh from about January through March. Let me explain for those who don't live in a cold climate:. I need boots, first and foremost, because my ankles and feet get too cold to wear something like ballet flats. Secondly, there can be lots of snow or wet, gross gray sludge, and I'm not wearing my expensive shoes through any of that. Thirdly, there is ice, and ballet flats have absolutely no grip. Ask me about the time I wore actual cowboy boots at home in Pittsburgh during a winter break in college and basically ice-skated down my street in those boots. Shoes with actual grip on the soles are essential. And lastly, even if there isn't any snow or sludge, there's always so much salt all over the place in anticipation of snow, which is terrible for shoes.

So, my entire shoe wardrobe goes into hibernation for a few months, and I basically rely on boots. I'm sure many of you can relate. Because of this, I won't turn to boots until I absolutely need to because I want my flats and heels to have their moment for as long as possible. 

There are actually quite a few things I love about living in a cold winter climate, but winter footwear is not one of them. 

There are also two different camps of boots, which I am sure you all know. You need practical boots like Uggs to throw on and keep your feet warm or bean boots for snow. And then there are fashionable boots that still keep your feet warm but are more fashion-forward and look better with daily outfits. I will fully admit that the snow and winter weather makes me more practical than I'd prefer! 

BUT, right now, I'm still in that 'excited about boots' phase and feel inspired. So today, I thought I would share with you all some boots I am eyeing. I really like the cowboy boot trend that has been around for a few years. I would argue cowboy boots are a very classic style, but at the same time, I think it definitely skews regional as you don't often see cowboy boots here in Pittsburgh. I have a few pairs of traditional cowboy boots from my college days that I wear sparingly, but I've been eyeing boots with subtle cowboy boot vibes. 

I also wanted to share some of my favorite pairs of boots, especially those I got last year. They're from a new-to-me company that I came across last year, and now I cannot recommend them enough for their high quality. You can read my full review on the boots, here. Seriously, boots of this quality usually go for at least double! 

I think of these boots basically as sneakers because they are so comfortable. They are also warm and easy to slip on and off. They're just such a good, basic pair of boots that are a staple in my cold-weather wardrobe. 

These are suede booties I have had for years, and I love them. They are so comfortable for having such a high heel and dressy and elegant. I really like that they lengthen my legs if I wear black bottoms. 

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