Tuesday, April 16, 2024

34 Things I've Learned

I just turned 34 on Sunday, and while I still have so much to learn and (hopefully!!) so much life left to live, I have been around the block long enough to share some wisdom with you all. There is nothing profound on this list, but all a good reminder. 

What would you add to the list? 

34 Things I Know To Be True

1. You will never know everything; there is always something to learn. 

2. Always let people know how much you love them. 

3. When others lack respect, it does not mean you should, too. 

4. Fearing failure is keeping you from your dreams. So what if you fail?

5. Caring too much about what others think will rob you of joy. 

6. There is always a silver lining in even the worst situations. It's up to you whether you choose to look for it. 

7. A good tailor can make almost anything look good.

8. Making time to do things you love is a secret to happiness. 

9. Counting your blessings is the best medicine. 

10. Comparison is healthy in small doses and unhealthy in large doses. Learning where that line is for you can be life-changing. 

11. You don't actually need all of those kitchen appliances. 

12. Much in life is less about hard work and more about consistency. 

13. Marry your best friend. Cliché, but true.

14. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Another cliché... also true. 

15. Dogs' lives are far too short, but the years spent with them are always worth the pain of those spent without them. 

16. Greeting people, small talk, and smiling when out and about is the simplest, cheapest, and easiest way to change the world. 

17. It's important to be bored. 

18. You will never please everyone. Never. 

19. One of the most important things you can do is make others feel welcome and foster a sense of community.

20. Being in the moment will enrich your life. 

21. You are not lazy because you take time to rest. Resting is essential.

22. Sleep, a shower, a drink of water, or a walk outdoors will cure most day-to-day ailments and conundrums.

23. Even when you feel you have so little, you have so much. 

24. Good for you, not for me, is an attitude more people need to subscribe to.

25. Worrying solves nothing. Absolutely nothing. 

26. Negativity is loud, but we as a collective can work to make positivity louder. 

27. Aging is inevitable and something to be proud of. 

28. Social media is a highlight reel and often not real at all. 

29. Stretch. Often. 

30. Be careful who you take advice from. 

31. To be genuinely and deeply understood is priceless. Cherish it. 

32. The world is both bigger and smaller than you think. 

33. Nobody thinks about that embarrassing thing you did 17 years ago. And if they do, it's their problem, not yours. 

34. Show your gratitude. Often.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! I have followed you for years and you are a class act!

Kelly said...

So good! Love this wisdom! Happy birthday!!!


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