Tuesday, May 9, 2023

A Thing I Love Most About My Job

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J.McLaughlin Foley Dress in Fernflower May 2023

J.McLaughlin Foley Dress in Fernflower May 2023

J.McLaughlin Foley Dress in Fernflower May 2023

J.McLaughlin Foley Dress in Fernflower May 2023

J.McLaughlin Foley Dress in Fernflower May 2023

J.McLaughlin Foley Dress in Fernflower May 2023
Pearl Necklace// Lipstick (rosewood)// Gloss (exposed)// Bag

One of the things I struggle with regarding my job is that I love taking photos with my 'nice' camera. You are probably wondering how that is a struggle? With social media evolving so much over the years, I've slowly succumbed to spending more and more time and effort on social media. I started my website back in 2009.... 14 years ago this month. Crazy.... practically half of my life! Back then, very few social media platforms were competing for our attention, and those were in their infancy. So I could completely focus on this blog... among other things considering I was in college.

I have a love/dislike relationship with social media (I try not to use the word hate). It's helped my job, provided opportunities, and connected me with amazing people. I believe there are many cons to social media, but I think at the end of the day, the pros outweigh them... my thoughts are ever-evolving on that topic, but I won't get into that today! 

But social media definitely competes for my attention with my blog. I'm sure many of you in media can relate to this somehow. I personally think that social media can sometimes feel like a hampster wheel when it comes to content creation because it is constant. I don't mean for that to sound like a complaint, just more of an observation. However, with blog posts, I love that I can really take my time to think about what to write, shoot photos, painstakingly edit them, and then craft it all into a blog post. After 14 years of this, it now feels very methodical in the best way. It feels like a breath of fresh air, a slower pace than social media. Nowadays, compared to social media, it almost feels cathartic, like ending the day with an episode of Friends! 

When I started to get into my blog, my dad had a Nikon DSLR. He took photography in college and enjoyed taking photos of us as kids growing up and on our various vacations. My dad let me borrow his camera a lot in my early blogging days and eventually (and very generously) gave me his camera. 

I read many photography blogs, watched youtube videos, took online courses, and more to get better at photography. 

I am by no means a professional photographer, but I love to take photos with my camera. I typically toggle in the camera settings and set up the shot, and then my husband, mom, or dad takes the photo. Sometimes I use a tripod, but I prefer someone actually shooting the photo. I truly get a thrill when the light is just right, or I come across a beautiful backdrop. For me, editing photos in Lightroom can feel daunting but somehow therapeutic at the same time. 

All that to say that I'm working on figuring out how I can make more time to do more of what I enjoy most! I want to return to using my camera more- even in those mundane moments that don't necessarily feel camera-worthy!

Even if you are not in a similar industry, I am sure you can relate to loving parts of your job more than others and hoping to find more time for what fills your cup!


Laura Baker Busic said...

You take beautiful photos, and I always appreciate the quality of a camera photo over that of a phone pic, even for "mundane" things!

Zoe S said...

I’ve been reading your blog for years and, even as social media evolves, love spending time here!!

Molly said...

I've been following you since 2010. I deleted all of my social media apps over the years, but I still make it a point to read your blog every week! Thank you for keeping up with it for so long!


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