Monday, December 16, 2024

Gift Guide 2024: Roundup

First of all, today is Henry's Gotcha Day! If you are unfamiliar, a 'gotcha day' is the day you adopt your pet, as most people don't know their pet's birthday if they are adopting! So then you can celebrate the anniversary of their gotcha day as if it were their birthday. We actually did a dog age test and got the results in October. We were nearly spot-on with his age, and the test gave him a birthday of January 9th, which felt serendipitous as that is also my sister's birthday. But anyway, today we celebrate Henry! We will do all his favorite things, like go to the pet store, pick a toy and treat, go on a car ride to get ice cream, go on a walk, and more! He is simply the best. My very best friend, and I love him more than anything! I can only hope he knows how deeply he is loved and cherished! 

Now, onto today's post. Can you believe we are a little over a week from Christmas?! I can't. Two weeks left of 2024. Absolutely bonkers if you ask me! This Friday, December 20th, will be my last blog post for the year! I always take off the week of Christmas into the New Year. It's integral to my mental health and creativity after such a crazy holiday season. I am so fortunate to be able to do that. Then, on Thursday, January 2nd, I will be back with my regularly schedule programming! We will kick it off with the Thursday Lately post, and then on Friday, January 3rd, I will share my favorite things 2024 list, which is always a popular post! 

So today, we are reviewing all of my gift guides as we are at the point when many brands announce their shipping cut-offs for Christmas arrival. I will have one more gift guide later this week, and it will be all of the prime gift ideas that should arrive in a pinch. If there is one thing I loathe, it's paying for shipping, so this is your *last-call* notice!

- Last Minute Gifts with Prime Delivery *This is the one that will be most helpful right now!

This will be a LONG post, so grab a cup of coffee, sit back and relax, and scroll, scroll, scroll! The individual posts for each gift guide are above, so you can easily click on the links and be taken directly to the post if that is easier! Plus, if you click over to the post, you get my commentary on each item. Even though my commentary is brief, I think it can be helpful if you are unsure about something for a particular person!

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