Friday, August 1, 2014

What's In My Bag

First of all... Woah...It's August. I'm stating the obvious, but is this summer flying by faster than ever for anyone else?! I hope I'm not the only one!!! 

 Today I'm sharing what's in my bag. I've done a few of these types of posts in the past (here, here, herehere, here)-- then I found some photos I took last month and never got around to posting what I've been toting around in my Fleming bag (it now comes in navy, omg). I rotate between this, my LV Speedy 30 and a few clutches. The Fleming holds a lot less than my Speedy so this is a paired down version of what I usually carry.

I think sometimes, as a blogger, I try and make everything look aesthetically pleasing, as do most bloggers, but for this, I literally dumped my bag on my bed and arranged the items nicely so you can see them. The first photo was a few months ago (hence my old keys!!) and then the photo above was the result of a few weeks afterwards and acquiring random things... the contents just seem to multiply, somehow?! So here's the rundown:

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The contents of my handbag have already changed since I snapped these photos-- maybe I will do an updated VLOG.... who knows! What do you carry in your handbag? If you've done a post about it, leave a link in the comments; I'd love to read! Have a fabulous day!


Pick Your Beau said...

These are always some of my favorite post to read. (And I've been dying to do one) I think every girl has that nosy gene - and bags are always my weakness! Love the Tory Burch!

Pick Your Beau

RoyallyPink said...

These are my #1 favorite posts because I'm so nosey but I also just love seeing what other people carry around on a daily basis. I'm such a bag lady so I always have so many things with me. Also, can we talk about that GORGEOUS BAG? I need it in my life!! Great post :)


Seersucker Sass said...

I love your bag!

Here is an old post about what's in mine - A Little Seersucker Sass: What's in my Bag

Lauren said...

That bag is beautiful!


Betsy Davis said...

Would love to see a VLOG from you! Anything from whats in your bag to a hair tutorial would be so fun to watch :)


Tory said...

Love this post. I adore that bag and you seem super organized!

Here is my post about my bag....

Behind Ivy Walls: What's In My Bag?


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